About Us

SAR Coatings LLP is a Green Field Project established in the year 2016, Gurgaon. We at SAR, are keen to provide CED coating & Alkaline Trivalent Zinc plating services. It’s a matter of pride to announce that M/s MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED has nominated SAR Coatings LLP as a Potential Supplier for Zinc Plating for one of their first time.

Our Vision

To Make SAR “ Choice of Customers” To Make SAR “ Choice of Customers” To Make SAR “ Choice of Customers”

Our Mission

To Deliver products and services to customers with superior performance in speed, Quality and cost by adopting best practices and work ethics.

Our Core Values

SService Excellence


RRespect for the Individual

SService Excellence


Liquid Painting

Mastering the Art of Liquid…

Metal surfaces offer a canvas ripe for artistic expression, and liquid painting opens a world of possibilities.…

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zinc plating

Exploring the Factors in Zinc…

When it comes to protective coatings in the realm of industrial applications, zinc plating service stands out…

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ed Coating

ED Coating vs. Electroplating: What…

When it comes to protecting metals from corrosion, two common methods stand out: ED coating…

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Troubleshooting Common Issues in Liquid Painting

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Liquid…

When it comes to applying a smooth, durable finish to metal surfaces, liquid painting stands as a…

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zinc plating

Shining a Light on Zinc…

In the realm of manufacturing, a well-kept secret often plays a pivotal role in the…

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Surface Treatment

Choosing the Right Surface Treatment…

When it comes to preserving the integrity and longevity of metal components, choosing the right…

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